Twilight takes me back to my inner teen. A place where fantasy can still be reality. Edward is the guy I dreamed about, the one true love of my life. The story provides a very memorable escape from reality – to an adult who never wanted to grow up in the first place.

The 'Twilight' books reignited my love for reading. I fell in love with each of the characters and would truly love. Edward is gentle, sweet, caring and protective. He is unlike a lot of mortal males. The love Edward has for Bella is so very special. I can only hope to find that love for myself someday.

At its core, the 'Twilight' series is about falling in love for the first time. Reading about Bella, Edward and Jacob brings us back to our high school days and the feelings associated with having your first huge crush. It's an emotionally charged book and women especially get very involved with the characters and the story line. I actually got into an argument with a co-worker about whether Bella should choose Jacob .

Twilight has an appeal that draws upon the emotion of falling in love and the fairy-tale romance . I kept saying that it takes me back to the time when life seemed carefree. Almost every woman I have spoken to about Twilight comments. On the fact about how they think about the characters even .